Outcome of Control of flea beetle in cole crops with cruciferous trap crops

Objectives: To evaluate a wide variety of potential trap crops for use in cole crop production. To test various configurations of trap crop plantings in production fields to test the potential for reducing damage by flea beetles to crops. To evaluate the economics of utilizing trap crops against flea beetles. 
Methods: Nine trials were established examining various aspects of utilizing trap crops to attract flea beetles. Each was evaluated by vacuuming the trap crop and counting the number of flea beetles from a predetermined length of row. Trap crops tested included; Trials 1-2) mustards (southern giant, red giant, green wave) and white mustards (martigena and wieber); 3-4) Green wave mustard in market crops of arugula, mizuna and tatsoi; 5-6) mizuna and green wave mustard in broccoli; 7) green wave mustard in cabbage; 8) green wave mustard in cabbage; 9)screening trial of mustards canola, tatsoii, mizuna, kale, radishes ,white lady turnip, chinese cabbage and pak choi. A flea beetle control trial was established, testing the efficacy of Plant Wash, Trilogy 90 and Pyrellin EC. 
1997 Results: High levels of flea beetles appeared in both trap crops and market crops in all trials, and the only measurable positive effect of trap cropping occurred in trials 7-8) green wave mustard in cabbage, which showed some population management potential. 
1998 Results: Early plantings did not have significant flea beetle populations, but the third planting had large populations, and broccoli seedlings showed significantly less damage in vicinity of trap crop. A later trial showed significantly greater damage of broccoli seedlings in vicinity of the trap crop—results were inconclusive. 

Outcome PDF: