Outcome of The Effects of Green Manure, Compost, and Feather Meal on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics, Beneficial Soil Microorganisms, and Bell Pepper Yield

We are only beginning to get reliable scientific data to guide efficient and effective use of these and other important organic fertilizer materials. The results of this study add important new information on the release of N from different organic fertilizers and the effects on vegetable crop yield. There is an important role for green manure crops to fill depending upon the cropping intensity of a given farm operation. And economics will only be one of many key factors considered in developing fertilization and soil building strategies. There are other potential problems associated with the long-term, heavy use of compost as would be necessary in an intensive organic production environment. Clearly many other factors need to be considered in the development of a comprehensive strategy for optimum nitrogen management in an organic production environment.

Outcome PDF: