Education and Outreach Funding Sources

Developing web resources for organic production in high tunnels


Investigator: Kimberly Williams, Dept. of Horticulture, Forestry and Rec. Res., Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Project location: Kansas

Organic producers are relying increasingly on high tunnels (unheated poly-covered greenhouse structures) for season extension and crop protection. Organic production in high tunnels is significantly different compared to organic field production in several ways, including soil and pest management. We propose to develop web-based

Field Days for Women Organic Farmers: A Success Story


Educating women farmers about certified organic production

Coordinator: Melissa Matthewson, Southern Oregon Research and Experiment Station, Central Point, OR
Project location: Southwestern Oregon

Many women enjoy learning environments that are geared for women only. Recognizing this interest, the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Small Farms program, with OFRF support, sponsored four on-farm field days hosted by and for women organic and transitioning farmers.

Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network Farmer-to-Farmer Program organic outreach


Coordinator: Karen Wynne, Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network (ASAN), Huntsville, Alabama
Stakeholders: Alabama farmers, ranchers and educators

ASAN logoAlabama’s organic and sustainable farming community is growing. While only four farms in the state are certified organic, the number claiming to use organic methods or transitioning to organic is much higher.