Evaluation of In-Row Weed Cultivators in Organic Soybeans and Corn |
Research |
Corn, North Central, Other, Weed Management |
March 2002 |
Final Report |
Ohio State University |
Ohio |
Targeted Mowing to Increase Allelopathy of Rye Cover Crop in a Tomato Production System |
Research |
NorthEast, Tomatoes, Weed Management |
March 2002 |
Final Report |
College Park |
Maryland |
Organic strategies for growing corn under low-nitrogen stress |
Research |
Corn, Fertility Management |
March 2002 |
Final Report |
Newfield |
New York |
Conservation tillage and cover crop systems for organic processing tomato production (Year 2) |
Research |
Tomatoes, West, Food Quality, Systems Studies |
November 2001 |
Final Report |
Meridian |
California |
Intercropping with resistant varieties for management of plant diseases in organic tomato production |
Research |
NorthEast, Tomatoes, Disease Management |
November 2001 |
Final Report |
Morgantown |
West Virginia |
Participatory Evaluation of Organic Production System in Southwestern Louisiana |
Education and Outreach |
Other, South, Systems Studies |
November 2001 |
Final Report |
Lafayette |
Louisiana |
On-farm nutrient budgets in organic cropping systems: A tool for soil fertility management |
Research |
NorthEast, Vegetables, Fertility Management |
November 2001 |
Final Report |
Ithaca |
New York |
Nutrient analysis of organic strawberries: effect of cultivars and mycorrhizal inoculations |
Research |
Strawberries, West, Fertility Management |
November 2001 |
Final Report |
Santa Cruz |
California |
Development of Wheat Varieties For Organic Farmers |
Research |
Other, Small grain, West, Breeding, Fertility Management |
November 2001 |
Pullman |
Washington |
Intercropping to Create Local Refugia for Natural Enemies of Arthropod Pests: Flowers and Birds in Organic Agroecosystems |
Research |
NorthEast, Other, Insect Management |
November 2001 |
Final Report |
Gainesville |
Florida |
Investigations into the Ecology of Microtheca ochroloma and control methods for organic farmers |
Research |
NorthEast, Other, Small grain, Insect Management |
November 2001 |
Final Report |
Gainesville |
Florida |
New cover crops and cover crop management for organic vegetable producers in Maryland (yr. 1) |
Research |
NorthEast, Other, Small grain, Weed Management |
November 2001 |
Final Report |
Ellicott City |
Minnesota |
Small grain cultivar selection for organic systems |
Research |
North Central, Small grain, Systems Studies |
November 2001 |
Final Report |
Dickinson |
South Dakota |
Targeted mowing as a weed management method increasing allelopathy in rye (Secaule cereale L.) |
Research |
NorthEast, Other, Breeding, Systems Studies |
April 2001 |
Final Report |
College Park |
Maryland |
Forage Brassicas as a Component of Organic Production Systems |
Research |
Livestock, West, Livestock |
March 2001 |
Final Report |
Corvallis |
Montana |
Biological control of Delia sp. in cole crops with rove beetles, Aleochara sp. (Part 2) |
Research |
Other, Insect Management |
March 2001 |
Final Report |
Vancouver |
Shade-covered high tunnels for summer production of lettuce and leafy greens |
Research |
South, Vegetables, Insect Management, Systems Studies |
March 2001 |
Final Report |
Kansas City |
Kansas |
Using High-residue Cover Crop Mulch for Weed Management In Organic No-till Potato Production Systems |
Research |
NorthEast, Other, Vegetables, Weed Management |
March 2001 |
Final Report |
Blacksburg |
Virginia |
Long term vegetable rotation systems using organic production methods and conservation tillage |
Research |
South, Tomatoes, Fertility Management, Systems Studies |
March 2001 |
Final Report |
Fletcher |
North Carolina |
Control of the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus (Knight) in an organic strawberry production system using trap crops, mass-released parasitoids, and tractor-mounted vacuums |
Research |
Strawberries, West, Insect Management |
March 2001 |
Final Report |
Santa Cruz |
California |
Improving the quality of organic herb production and marketing |
Research |
Broccoli, NorthEast, Vegetables, Fertility Management |
November 2000 |
Final Report |
Ames |
Iowa |
Biological Control of Delia sp. in Cole Crops with Rove Beetles, Aleochara Year 1, 2, 3 |
Vegetables, Insect Management |
November 2000 |
Final Report |
Vancouver |
Organic Apple Thinning Strategies |
Research |
Apples, West, Systems Studies |
November 2000 |
Final Report |
Fayetteville |
Arkansas |
A comparison of antibiotic susceptibility patterns for Staphylococcus aureus in organic and conventional dairy herds |
Research |
Livestock, NorthEast, Other, Disease Management |
November 2000 |
Final Report |
Ithaca |
New York |
Investigating the Impact of Green Manures and Weed Mat on Soil Biota and Tree Growth in Organic Peach Tree Orchards |
Research |
Fruit, West, Fertility Management |
November 2000 |
Final Report |
Hotchkiss |
Colorado |
Effects of organic alternatives for weed control and ground cover management on tree fruit growth, development and productivity |
Research |
Apples, West, Weed Management |
November 2000 |
Final Report |
Hotchkiss |
Colorado |
Bat Houses for Integrated Pest Management-- Benefits for Bats and Organic Farmers: Phase I |
Research |
Other, West, Systems Studies |
November 2000 |
Final Report |
Austin |
Texas |
Bat Houses for Integrated Pest Management-- Benefits for Bats and Organic Farmers: Phase I |
Research |
Other, Insect Management |
November 2000 |
Final Report |
Austin |
Texas |
Maintaining nutrient balances in systems utilizing soluble organic fertilizers |
Research |
Tomatoes, Fertility Management |
April 2000 |
Final Report |
Raleigh |
North Carolina |
Cover Crops for Weed Management in Organic Vegetables |
Research |
Other, West, Weed Management |
March 2000 |
Final Report |
Vancouver |
Washington |
Using Pediobius foveolatus as a biological control agent for Mexican bean beetle in snap beans |
Research |
NorthEast, Other, Small grain, Insect Management |
March 2000 |
Final Report |
New Haven |
Connecticut |
Insect management and fruit thinning in commercial organic apple production systems in New York |
Research |
Apples, NorthEast |
March 2000 |
Final Report |
Geneva |
New York |
Soil Nutrient Balancing in Sustainable Vegetable Production |
Research |
Other |
March 2000 |
Final Report |
Floyd |
Virginia |
Effectiveness of compost extracts as disease suppressants in fresh market crops in BC |
Research |
Broccoli, Strawberries, Vegetables, Weed Management |
March 2000 |
Final Report |
Alberta |
Evaluation of Alternative Cultivators for Vegetable Production |
Research |
Other, West, Weed Management |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Salinas |
California |
The Effects of Green Manure, Compost, and Feather Meal on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics, Beneficial Soil Microorganisms, and Bell Pepper Yield |
Research |
Other, Vegetables, West, Fertility Management |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Santa Maria |
California |
Organic Management of Garden Symphylans (Scutigerella immaculata) in Annual Cropping Systems |
Research |
Other, Vegetables, West, Cover Crops, Disease Management, Weed Management |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Davis |
California |
Controlling gastrointestinal parasites of livestock with organic materials |
Research |
Livestock, North Central, Livestock |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Ames |
Iowa |
Increasing Organic Farmer Access to Relevant and Practical Research-Based Information |
Education and Outreach |
North Central, NorthEast, Other, South, West |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Fayetteville |
Arkansas |
Use of Walnut Hulls for Weed Control |
Research |
Other, West, Weed Management |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Orland |
California |
Evaluation of kaolin-based particle film coatings on insect and disease suppression in apples |
Research |
Apples, West, Disease Management, Weed Management |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Mount Vernon |
Montana |
Natural Products for Control of Parasitic Honey Bee Mites |
Research |
Bees and Pollinators, NorthEast, Other, Insect Management |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Ithaca |
New York |
Developing open-pollinated corn varieties for organic farmers |
Research |
Corn, NorthEast, Breeding |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
East Troy |
Wisconsin |
Integrated caterpillar control in organic sweet corn Year 1, 2, 3 |
Research |
Corn, NorthEast, Other, Insect Management |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Amherst |
Massachusetts |
Conserving and restoring pollination services in organic farms of Yolo and Solano Counties, Northern California |
Research |
Bees and Pollinators, Open Pollinated, Other, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Watermelon, West |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Stanford |
California |
Evaluation of Kaolin-based Particle Film Coatings on Insect and Disease Suppression in Apples |
Apples, North Central, Insect Management |
November 1999 |
Final Report |
Mount Vernon |
Montana |
Testing Alternative Parasiticides for Organic Lamb Production |
Research |
Livestock, Livestock |
March 1999 |
Final Report |
Quebec |
Alternative Methods of Raspberry Production and Root Rot Control |
Research |
Fruit, Disease Management |
March 1999 |
Final Report |
Vancouver |
Washington |
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Predatory Mites in Controlling Pests of Cultivated Mushrooms in Organic Mushroom Houses |
Research |
Mushrooms, Insect Management |
March 1999 |
Final Report |
Warsaw |
Biological control of Delia sp. in cole crops with rove beetles, Aleochara sp. Part1) |
Research |
Other, Insect Management |
March 1999 |
Final Report |
Vancouver |