Research Database

Title Funding Category Categories Funding Date Final Report City Province Link to edit content
Evaluation of In-Row Weed Cultivators in Organic Soybeans and Corn Research Corn, North Central, Other, Weed Management March 2002 Final Report Ohio State University Ohio
Targeted Mowing to Increase Allelopathy of Rye Cover Crop in a Tomato Production System Research NorthEast, Tomatoes, Weed Management March 2002 Final Report College Park Maryland
Organic strategies for growing corn under low-nitrogen stress Research Corn, Fertility Management March 2002 Final Report Newfield New York
Conservation tillage and cover crop systems for organic processing tomato production (Year 2) Research Tomatoes, West, Food Quality, Systems Studies November 2001 Final Report Meridian California
Intercropping with resistant varieties for management of plant diseases in organic tomato production Research NorthEast, Tomatoes, Disease Management November 2001 Final Report Morgantown West Virginia
Participatory Evaluation of Organic Production System in Southwestern Louisiana Education and Outreach Other, South, Systems Studies November 2001 Final Report Lafayette Louisiana
On-farm nutrient budgets in organic cropping systems: A tool for soil fertility management Research NorthEast, Vegetables, Fertility Management November 2001 Final Report Ithaca New York
Nutrient analysis of organic strawberries: effect of cultivars and mycorrhizal inoculations Research Strawberries, West, Fertility Management November 2001 Final Report Santa Cruz California
Development of Wheat Varieties For Organic Farmers Research Other, Small grain, West, Breeding, Fertility Management November 2001 Pullman Washington
Intercropping to Create Local Refugia for Natural Enemies of Arthropod Pests: Flowers and Birds in Organic Agroecosystems Research NorthEast, Other, Insect Management November 2001 Final Report Gainesville Florida
Investigations into the Ecology of Microtheca ochroloma and control methods for organic farmers Research NorthEast, Other, Small grain, Insect Management November 2001 Final Report Gainesville Florida
New cover crops and cover crop management for organic vegetable producers in Maryland (yr. 1) Research NorthEast, Other, Small grain, Weed Management November 2001 Final Report Ellicott City Minnesota
Small grain cultivar selection for organic systems Research North Central, Small grain, Systems Studies November 2001 Final Report Dickinson South Dakota
Targeted mowing as a weed management method increasing allelopathy in rye (Secaule cereale L.) Research NorthEast, Other, Breeding, Systems Studies April 2001 Final Report College Park Maryland
Forage Brassicas as a Component of Organic Production Systems Research Livestock, West, Livestock March 2001 Final Report Corvallis Montana
Biological control of Delia sp. in cole crops with rove beetles, Aleochara sp. (Part 2) Research Other, Insect Management March 2001 Final Report Vancouver
Shade-covered high tunnels for summer production of lettuce and leafy greens Research South, Vegetables, Insect Management, Systems Studies March 2001 Final Report Kansas City Kansas
Using High-residue Cover Crop Mulch for Weed Management In Organic No-till Potato Production Systems Research NorthEast, Other, Vegetables, Weed Management March 2001 Final Report Blacksburg Virginia
Control of the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus (Knight) in an organic strawberry production system using trap crops, mass-released parasitoids, and tractor-mounted vacuums Research Strawberries, West, Insect Management March 2001 Final Report Santa Cruz California
Long term vegetable rotation systems using organic production methods and conservation tillage Research South, Tomatoes, Fertility Management, Systems Studies March 2001 Final Report Fletcher North Carolina
Improving the quality of organic herb production and marketing Research Broccoli, NorthEast, Vegetables, Fertility Management November 2000 Final Report Ames Iowa
Biological Control of Delia sp. in Cole Crops with Rove Beetles, Aleochara Year 1, 2, 3 Vegetables, Insect Management November 2000 Final Report Vancouver
Organic Apple Thinning Strategies Research Apples, West, Systems Studies November 2000 Final Report Fayetteville Arkansas
A comparison of antibiotic susceptibility patterns for Staphylococcus aureus in organic and conventional dairy herds Research Livestock, NorthEast, Other, Disease Management November 2000 Final Report Ithaca New York
Investigating the Impact of Green Manures and Weed Mat on Soil Biota and Tree Growth in Organic Peach Tree Orchards Research Fruit, West, Fertility Management November 2000 Final Report Hotchkiss Colorado
Effects of organic alternatives for weed control and ground cover management on tree fruit growth, development and productivity Research Apples, West, Weed Management November 2000 Final Report Hotchkiss Colorado
Bat Houses for Integrated Pest Management-- Benefits for Bats and Organic Farmers: Phase I Research Other, West, Systems Studies November 2000 Final Report Austin Texas
Bat Houses for Integrated Pest Management-- Benefits for Bats and Organic Farmers: Phase I Research Other, Insect Management November 2000 Final Report Austin Texas
Maintaining nutrient balances in systems utilizing soluble organic fertilizers Research Tomatoes, Fertility Management April 2000 Final Report Raleigh North Carolina
Cover Crops for Weed Management in Organic Vegetables Research Other, West, Weed Management March 2000 Final Report Vancouver Washington
Using Pediobius foveolatus as a biological control agent for Mexican bean beetle in snap beans Research NorthEast, Other, Small grain, Insect Management March 2000 Final Report New Haven Connecticut
Insect management and fruit thinning in commercial organic apple production systems in New York Research Apples, NorthEast March 2000 Final Report Geneva New York
Soil Nutrient Balancing in Sustainable Vegetable Production Research Other March 2000 Final Report Floyd Virginia
Effectiveness of compost extracts as disease suppressants in fresh market crops in BC Research Broccoli, Strawberries, Vegetables, Weed Management March 2000 Final Report Alberta
Evaluation of Alternative Cultivators for Vegetable Production Research Other, West, Weed Management November 1999 Final Report Salinas California
The Effects of Green Manure, Compost, and Feather Meal on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics, Beneficial Soil Microorganisms, and Bell Pepper Yield Research Other, Vegetables, West, Fertility Management November 1999 Final Report Santa Maria California
Organic Management of Garden Symphylans (Scutigerella immaculata) in Annual Cropping Systems Research Other, Vegetables, West, Cover Crops, Disease Management, Weed Management November 1999 Final Report Davis California
Controlling gastrointestinal parasites of livestock with organic materials Research Livestock, North Central, Livestock November 1999 Final Report Ames Iowa
Increasing Organic Farmer Access to Relevant and Practical Research-Based Information Education and Outreach North Central, NorthEast, Other, South, West November 1999 Final Report Fayetteville Arkansas
Use of Walnut Hulls for Weed Control Research Other, West, Weed Management November 1999 Final Report Orland California
Natural Products for Control of Parasitic Honey Bee Mites Research Bees and Pollinators, NorthEast, Other, Insect Management November 1999 Final Report Ithaca New York
Evaluation of kaolin-based particle film coatings on insect and disease suppression in apples Research Apples, West, Disease Management, Weed Management November 1999 Final Report Mount Vernon Montana
Integrated caterpillar control in organic sweet corn Year 1, 2, 3 Research Corn, NorthEast, Other, Insect Management November 1999 Final Report Amherst Massachusetts
Developing open-pollinated corn varieties for organic farmers Research Corn, NorthEast, Breeding November 1999 Final Report East Troy Wisconsin
Conserving and restoring pollination services in organic farms of Yolo and Solano Counties, Northern California Research Bees and Pollinators, Open Pollinated, Other, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Watermelon, West November 1999 Final Report Stanford California
Evaluation of Kaolin-based Particle Film Coatings on Insect and Disease Suppression in Apples Apples, North Central, Insect Management November 1999 Final Report Mount Vernon Montana
Testing Alternative Parasiticides for Organic Lamb Production Research Livestock, Livestock March 1999 Final Report Quebec
Alternative Methods of Raspberry Production and Root Rot Control Research Fruit, Disease Management March 1999 Final Report Vancouver Washington
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Predatory Mites in Controlling Pests of Cultivated Mushrooms in Organic Mushroom Houses Research Mushrooms, Insect Management March 1999 Final Report Warsaw
Biological control of Delia sp. in cole crops with rove beetles, Aleochara sp. Part1) Research Other, Insect Management March 1999 Final Report Vancouver