Research Database

Title Funding Category Categories Funding Date Final Report City Province Link to edit content
Vineyard Research Shows Pest Management Value of Songbird Nest Boxes Research Fruit, West, Wine grapes, Insect Management November 2008 Final Report Santa Cruz California
Evaluation of day-neutral strawberries in organic systems in Washington Research Fruit, Strawberries, West, Systems Studies November 2008 Puyallup Washington
Harnessing aphid alarm pheromone to rid broccoli heads of aphids Research Other, Vegetables, West, Insect Management November 2008 Final Report Davis California
Integrating songbird conservation and insect pest management in organic California vineyards Research West, Wine grapes, Insect Management November 2008 Final Report Santa Cruz California
Integrating Biological Control with Trap Crop Management in California Organic Strawberries Research Fruit, Strawberries, West, Insect Management March 2008 Final Report Santa Cruz California
Off-season blackberry and raspberry production to expand markets and sustain farm profitability Research Fruit, Other, South, Economics, Systems Studies March 2008 Final Report Fayetteville Arizona
Midwest Study Highlights Viability of Organic Certified Potato Seed Production Research North Central, Other, Disease Management, Insect Management March 2008 Final Report Madison Wisconsin
Measuring Small-scale Farm Success: A Florida Study Research South March 2008 Final Report
Minnesota Reports Provide Real-World Data on Organic Farm Performance Education and Outreach North Central, Economics March 2008 Final Report Minneapolis Minnesota
Sustainable Organic Farming and Marketing Project Education and Outreach West March 2008 Final Report Forest Grove Oregon
Midwest Apple Producers Receive Season-long Mentoring Via Conference Calls Education and Outreach Apples, Fruit, North Central, Disease Management, Insect Management March 2008 Final Report Madison Wisconsin
Suppression of Pythium damping off with compost and vermicompost Research NorthEast, Disease Management March 2008 Final Report Ithaca New York
Organic Seed Production Guides Help Fill Knowledge Gap Education and Outreach Vegetables, West, Fertility Management March 2008 Final Report Port Townsend Washington
Insect management tools for organic cranberry production in the Pacific Northwest Research Fruit, Other, West, Insect Management March 2008 Final Report Vancouver British Columbia
Organic Farmers Flock to Farm Walk Series Education and Outreach West March 2008 Final Report Seattle Washington
Garlic Producer Closes In On Successful Weeding Strategies Research Other, West, Weed Management March 2008 Final Report Moscow Idaho
Fungi, Predatory Mites and Guardian Plants for Thrips IPM in Organic Greenhouse Ornamentals Research NorthEast, Other, Vegetables, Insect Management March 2008 Final Report Burlington Vermont
Development of Corn Borer-Resistant Corn for Organic Farming Systems Research Corn, North Central, Insect Management March 2008 Final Report Big Timber Montana
Eff ectiveness and economic impact of weed control systems in organic garlic production Research Other, West, Weed Management March 2008 Final Report Colfax Washington
Evaluation of screened high tunnels for production of organic vegetables in Colorado Research Vegetables, West, Insect Management March 2008 Final Report Fort Collins Colorado
Public Breeding for Organic Agriculture – Screening for Horizontal Resistance to Late Blight in Tomato Research Tomatoes, West, Disease Management March 2008 Final Report Port Townsend Washington
Farm Made: A Guide to On-Farm Processing for Organic Producers Education and Outreach Fruit, Livestock, Other, South, Vegetables, Economics, Food Quality November 2007 Final Report Poteau Oklahoma
Fundamentals of Organic Farming and Gardening: An Instructor’s Guide Education and Outreach Other, South, Systems Studies November 2007 Final Report Atlanta Georgia
Farm Made: A Guide to On-Farm Processing for Organic Producers Education and Outreach Other, West, Systems Studies November 2007 Poteau Oklahoma
Grafting tomatoes on disease resistant rootstocks for small-scale organic production Research NorthEast, Tomatoes, Disease Management November 2007 Final Report Raleigh North Carolina
Prioritizing research, education and regulatory pest management needs of organic potato farmers through participatory strategic planning Research North Central, Other, Vegetables, Insect Management November 2007 Final Report Boise Idaho
Weed Management, Reduced-tillage, and Soil Health: Weed Ecology in Biodesign Farm's Organic, Minimum-till Vegetable Production System Vegetables, West, Cover Crops, Fertility Management, Weed Management April 2007 Final Report Montana
Managing Natural Habitat Can Aid in Organic Pest Control Research Vegetables, West, Insect Management March 2007 Final Report Berkeley California
Establishing breeding populations for organic broccoli, sweet corn, and red kale varieties Research Corn, Other, Vegetables, West, Breeding March 2007 Final Report Port Townsend Washington
Organic certified seed potato production in the Midwest Research NorthEast, Other, Vegetables, Disease Management March 2007 Final Report Madison Wisconsin
Determining habitat requirements for natural enemies of crop pests Research Broccoli, West, Insect Management March 2007 Final Report Berkeley California
Methods to breed field corn that competes better with weeds on organic farms Research Corn, South March 2006 Final Report East Troy Wisconsin
Evaluation of Glandular-Haired, Potato Leafhopper Resistant Alfalfa for Organic Farming Systems Research North Central, Other, Small grain, Insect Management November 2004 Final Report Wooster Ohio
Organic Dairy Farming Education Project Education and Outreach Livestock, North Central, Livestock March 2004 Final Report Gays Mills Wisconsin
Sorghum-sudangrass as a cover crop for organic no-till vegetable production and as a hay crop for the organic market Research NorthEast, Other, Systems Studies November 2003 Final Report Raleigh North Carolina
The Florida organic citrus sector: results of a 2003-2004 survey Education and Outreach Citrus, NorthEast, Economics, Systems Studies November 2003 Final Report Gainsville Florida
The effect of cover crop seeding rate, planting arrangement, and mixture composition on cover crop performance and weed management on organic vegetable farms on the central coast of California Research Vegetables, West, Weed Management November 2003 Final Report Salinas California
Nebraska organically grown grapes Research Fruit, NorthEast, Systems Studies November 2003 Final Report Bow Valley Nebraska
Aerated compost tea and other alternative treatments for disease control in pumpkins Research Other, Vegetables, Disease Management November 2003 Final Report Natick Maryland
Maintaining agroecosystem health in an organic strawberry/vegetable rotation system Research Strawberries, Vegetables, West, Systems Studies November 2003 Final Report Santa Cruz California
Weed Suppression Using Brassicaceae Cover Crops in Organically Grown Peppers Research North Central, Other, Vegetables, Weed Management November 2003 Final Report Moscow Indiana
Integrating conservation of generalist predators and specialist parasitoids in Pacific Northwest organic vegetables Research Vegetables, West, Insect Management March 2003 Final Report Pullman Washington
Organic training for Montana's agricultural technical service providers Education and Outreach Other, Economics March 2003 Final Report Helena Montana
Breeding an open-pollinated vegetable variety in organic systems: The Public Seed Initiative Research NorthEast, Vegetables, Disease Management March 2003 Final Report Ithaca New York
Tomato Foliar Disease Control Using OMRI-Approved Materials Research NorthEast, Tomatoes, Disease Management March 2003 Final Report Geneva New York
Development of weed control methods and irrigation requirements for organic medicinal herb production in New Mexico, 2003-2004 Research Herbs, North Central, Weed Management November 2002 Final Report Alcalde New Mexico
Biointensive and Organically Acceptable Pest Management Literacy Training Education and Outreach West, Insect Management November 2002 Final Report Davis California
Feeding beef cattle to produce healthier and highly acceptable beef Research Livestock, North Central, Livestock November 2002 Final Report Harlan Iowa
The integration of foliar applied seaweed and fish products into the fertility management of organically grown sweet peppers Research NorthEast, Other, Vegetables, Fertility Management November 2002 Final Report Fletcher North Carolina
Controlling weeds using propane generated flame and steam treatments in crop and non croplands Research Other, West, Weed Management March 2002 Final Report Colorado Colorado