Research Database

Title Funding Category Categories Funding Date Final Report City Province Link to edit content
Increasing the productivity and market value of pulse crops for arid organic conditions Research Hay/Forage, Other, Small grain, West, Breeding April 2022 Final Report Davis California
Organic Farming Systems Options for Controlling Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR) in Kona Coffee Research West, Disease Management, Fertility Management April 2022 Final Report Honaunau Hawaii
Companion plantings for organic management of a new invasive Brassica pest Research Bees and Pollinators, South, Insect Management April 2022 Final Report Athens Georgia
Evaluation of seeding methods of cover crops interseeded into organic corn Research Corn, North Central, Cover Crops, Weed Management April 2022 Final Report Lamberton Minnesota
Building climate change resilience with coffee smallholder producers by extending organic practices to staple crops Research NorthEast, Other April 2022 Final Report Burlington Vermont
20 to 20, in 2020 Research Small grain, West, Breeding September 2020 Final Report Cornville Arizona
Advancing Organic Potato Production with Mustard Seed Meal Extract: a multi-pronged tool to control weeds, promote soil health, and improve potato nutrition Research Vegetables, West, Weed Management September 2020 Final Report Moscow Idaho
Cover Crops for Soil Health: demonstration of on-farm trial Research South, Cover Crops, Disease Management, Insect Management, Weed Management May 2020 Final Report Edinburg Texas
Breeding disease-resistant heirloom-quality tomatoes Research Tomatoes, Breeding April 2020 Final Report Corvallis Oregon
Seeding a Culture of Innovation in Organics: Farmer-led breeding of peppers, broccoli and cucumber Research Broccoli, Cucumber, Breeding April 2020 Final Report Guelph Ontario
Evaluation of selection methods and efficacy in on-farm breeding of organic wheat and oat varieties Breeding April 2020 Final Report
Evaluating the Effects of Seeding Rates and Inoculant Performance on Nodulation, Weed Suppression, and Relative Yields of Different Lentil Varieties Grown in the Northern Great Plains Research West, Weed Management April 2020 Final Report Mocassin Montana
Evaluating costs and benefits of organic-approved liquid injectable fertilizers to improve nutrient uptake and yields in tomato Research Tomatoes, West, Fertility Management April 2020 Final Report Davis California
Conservation of an endophytic insect-pathogen fungus for plant protection in organic cropping Research NorthEast, Disease Management, Insect Management April 2020 Final Report University Park Pennsylvania
A Comprehensive Approach To Control Weeds in Organic Peanut Systems in the Southeast Research South, Weed Management April 2020 Final Report Camilla Georgia
Best Practices for Virtual Peer-to-Peer Farmer Learning West April 2020 Corvallis Oregon
Biosolarization: harnessing the sun and organic matter for weed control Research West, Weed Management April 2020 Final Report Davis California
Efficacy evaluation of biological control agents against wireworms in organic production Research Vegetables, West, Disease Management, Insect Management April 2020 Final Report Moscow Idaho
Evaluating the Effects of Seeding and Inoculant Rates on Weed Suppression, Nodulation, and Soil Health on Organic Lentil Production in the Northern Great Plains Research Other, West, Breeding, Economics, Weed Management, Systems Studies April 2019 Final Report Moccasin Montana
Development and Assessment of Bacterial Wilt and Downy Mildew Resistant Cucumber Seedstocks - Year Two Research Cucumber, South, Breeding, Disease Management April 2019 Final Report Louisa Virginia
Evaluating Benefits of Winter Annual Cover Crop Systems for Organic Sweet Potato in North Carolina Research Other, South, Cover Crops, Insect Management, Weed Management, Systems Studies April 2019 Final Report Raleigh North Carolina
Plant-based Nutrient Management for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers Research West, Economics, Fertility Management, Systems Studies April 2019 Final Report Santa Cruz California
Assessment of Nitrogen Flows on Diversified Organic Farms: A Road Toward Enhancing Soil Health from the Ground Up West, Cover Crops, Fertility Management April 2019 Final Report California
On-Farm Assessment of Melon and Cucumber Feedstocks for Downy Mildew and Bacterial Wilt Research Cucumber, Fruit, Melon, South, Vegetables, Breeding, Disease Management May 2018 Final Report Louisa Virginia
Effect of Biosolarization and Cover Crops on Weeds and Soil-borne Pathogens Research Strawberries, Vegetables, West, Cover Crops, Disease Management, Weed Management May 2018 Final Report San Luis Obispo California
Evaluation of Organic Strawberry Transplants for Organic Strawberry Production Research Strawberries, West, Breeding April 2018 Final Report Watsonville California
Evaluating Soil Protein as a New Soil Health Indicator Research North Central, Fertility Management April 2017 Final Report Wooster Ohio
Developing a Cover Crop-Based, No-Till System for Small-Scale Vegetable Producers: Effects on Soil Health, Weeds, Arthropod Communities, and Yield Research Other, South, Cover Crops, Fertility Management, Insect Management, Weed Management April 2017 Florissant Missouri
Corn Earworm Management: A Survey of Organic Sweet Corn Growers Research Corn, Breeding, Disease Management, Insect Management April 2017 Madison Wisconsin
Examination of Organic Grain Productivity to Support the Upper Peninsula Organic Livestock Industry Research North Central, Small grain, Livestock, Systems Studies April 2017 Final Report Chatham Michigan
Nutrient Budgeting in Organic Grain Production Research Other, Small grain, Fertility Management July 2016 Final Report Winnipeg
A New Approach for Successful Organic Peach Production in the Southeast Research Other, South, Disease Management, Insect Management June 2016 Final Report Clemson South Carolina
Flowering Plants in Organic Strawberry Fields to Enhance Natural Enemies and Pollinators and Improve Pest Control and Fruit Quality Bees and Pollinators, South, Strawberries, Disease Management, Insect Management June 2016 Final Report Wimauma Florida
Creating Climate Resilient Organic Systems by Enhancing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associations Research Other, Fertility Management, Weed Management June 2016 Final Report Madison Wisconsin
Developing integrated Irrigation Management Strategies to Improve Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Organic Processing Tomato Production Research Tomatoes, West June 2016 Final Report Davis California
Field Evaluation of Designed Compost Extracts for Organic Weed Suppression Research NorthEast, Other, Weed Management June 2016 Final Report Kutztown Pennsylvania
Long-term Organic Farming Impacts on Soil Fertility Research West, Fertility Management, Food Quality, Systems Studies November 2014 Final Report Fort Collins Colorado
Participatory Screening of Broccoli Varieties for Summer Production in Organic Systems in Western North Carolina—Year 3: Phase II--On-farm Trials Research Broccoli, South, Vegetables, Breeding October 2014 Final Report Mills River North Carolina
Organic Food Barley: Developing Nutritious and Delicious Varieties for the Pacific Northwest Research North Central, Small grain, West, Breeding, Food Quality September 2014 Pullman Washington
Deploying microbes as a seed treatment for protection against soil-borne plant pathogens Research Fruit, Herbs, North Central, NorthEast, Small grain, South, Vegetables, West, Disease Management June 2014 Final Report Kutztown Pennsylvania
Create Two Open-Pollinated, Sugary Enhanced Sweet Corn Varieties--Year 4 Research Corn, North Central, NorthEast, Open Pollinated, South, West, Breeding June 2014 Final Report Grants Pass Oregon
Developing "Organic-Ready" Maize Populations with Gametophytic Incompatibility: Year IV Research Corn, GMO Protection, North Central, NorthEast, Open Pollinated, South, West, Breeding June 2014 Final Report Dickinson North Dakota
Organic Seed Production and Improvement Training Program for Vermont Education and Outreach NorthEast, Other, Breeding December 2013 Richmond Vermont
Can Organic Garlic Seed Stock Be Created Disease-free from the Production of Garlic Bulbils? Research NorthEast, Other, Breeding, Disease Management December 2013 Livonia New York
Snap Beans with Enhanced Nitrogen-Use Efficiency for Organic Production-Year 2 Research NorthEast, Other, Breeding, Disease Management, Economics, Fertility Management, Insect Management December 2013 Final Report Madison Wisconsin
Managing indigenous seed-inhabiting microbes for biological control against Fusarium pathogens in corn Research Corn, West, Breeding, Disease Management December 2013 Final Report Eugene Oregon
Effect of Compost Extracts on Organic Seed Germination and Reduction of Weed Seed Expression Research NorthEast, Weed Management July 2013 Final Report Kutztown Pennsylvania
Developing testing protocols to assure the quality of fertilizer materials for organic agriculture Research West, Fertility Management, Systems Studies April 2013 Final Report Davis California
Developing "Organic-Ready" Maize Populations with Gametophytic Incompatibility Year III Research Corn, North Central, Other, Breeding February 2013 Dickinson North Dakota
Participatory Screening of Broccoli Varieties for Organic Systems in Western North Carolina Research South, Vegetables, Breeding February 2013 Mills River North Carolina